Thursday, September 25, 2008

The COOLEST Thing...

Pasha, Zina, Trevor, Nastia, Me (Mike Stallion = behind the camera)

You go to somewhere and
you think you'll have really cool memories
of the SITES you saw...etc.

I gotta tell you...
I'm still in touch with the cool friends
I met there in Moscow
...and it matters a LOT to me!

Thank You, GOD!
What an amazing gift!

Anton & Alexi - Checkin out the CAM

Hope all you blog-checkers are well!
I'm in the studio tonight working on a song for La Croix
...but, there's a couple songs (inspired by Russia)
coming for you as well.

Stay tuned...

What a view, eh? Wish you could-ve been there...

BONUS: here's a video my friend ORAL made while at the camp.
ENJOY! If you wanna know the story about
the bunny & bear...ask me about it sometime.
P.S. I'll eventually get all the posts I wrote while IN Russia off my old laptop and get 'em up here...Thanks for your patience...(as if you were biting your nails in anticipation...right...).
Thanks for stoppin' by!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

HEY EVERYODY!!! It's actaully Thursday night here now and I'm posting from a new friend's computer because he has a satallite modem...
We're still in the moscow area - but it's like we're in the middle of nowhere.
I've been journaling for this blog all week on my laptop - but just now I only have this first one from right when we arrived on my memory-stick.

I'll be back home in a few days...will upload photos then.
I love you-guys!
Family...I miss you VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Having an amazing time - God is amazing...

So - here's BLOG #4



We made it here safe & sound. The flights were actually kind-of fun! You should see the 777 we flew over on – huge…amazing! The ascent and descent were unbelievably fast…major ear-popping fun.
Having both English and Russian spoken on the plane was a cool gradual introduction to a new culture.

I always enter new cultures (as all of us do) with pre-conceived notions about how it will be…and almost every time, now Russia included, I’m surprised again more by the similarities than the differences. People are just people no matter where you are. Yes there are differences in language and dress, but it feels more like the difference between city folk and country folk than some major international void. I must say – it’s more than just a relief…it’s encouraging to my soul. The human connection…the spiritual connection even that seems innate…makes me feel hopeful and part of something greater again. Mind you, we’ve only had a ‘tourist’ day…just arriving, getting registered seeing a little of the city – all observing the culture – we haven’t even met our new friends yet…so any discussion or conclusions I may make about similarities & differences are based solely on the interactions of Russian teenagers and couples and families on the plane, the contrast between the young 80s style look of the younger Russians vs. the scarf-headed grandma in the airport, the attitude of the restaurant grill cook, the van-driver, etc.

We landed at noon Moscow time (felt like 3am to us). Got through the airport quickly, got to our first-night hotel, freshened up a bit then ate dinner - just the five of us in the 2nd team and Anne our travel-leader Tom’s wife who met us at the airport. Then we shuttled downtown to meet all the rest of the team – that was a cool reunion.
When you do something intense and new like this, a day can feel like much longer – because the experiential intake volume is so high. The first team members have all been here for a week – and they’ve been bustin’ their tails working and getting little sleep. I could already see the experience has been significant in their lives – and that the friendships they’ve developed are deep. I could see God is up to something…
MORE on THAT later. 

We actually met outside the Bolshoi Russian Ballet Theatre and got to see the ballet company perform “Don Quixote”. It’s a mind-blower to see some of the best dancers in the world…wow. Sleepy or not – I was engaged.
After that we said so long. The first team went back to the church and we went back to our hotel to crash.

It’s Monday morning now. This morning it’s Red Square then we’ll head out to the church this afternoon. I’m excited to see the sites and take it all in – but I’m also anxious to get started on our mission. I know lots of work awaits us – and I so much want to do well…so I’m anxious to know what-all my mission entails.

Got to go to breakfast and meet the bus in a moment…

Keep praying for me/us! We love you all!
Thanks for checking in w/me!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

We're OFF!


Driving away toward St. Louis...then air to Chicago...then air to MOSCOW


I'll talk to you again ...from the FUTURE!


Monday, July 21, 2008


Less than a week - 'til RED SQUARE

Helped the first team pack up last Thursday (they left Friday)
Doin' stuff...gettin' ready...

> I'm learning a couple songs in Russian...
> I'm working with my friend Tom on electrical conversion for all our music gear...
> I'm getting laundry together...
> I'm waking up at wierd times in the middle of the night and praying a lot...and doin' more laundry...
> I'm bustin' it at work to get ahead (so I don't come back to a mess)...
> I'm trying to balance 'bustin' it' with spending time at home with my bride and my kids before I'm gone...
> I'm prayin' for my two oldest sons who left yesterday for their own mission as X-Treme Camp counselors...(won't see them again 'til after Russia)...
> I'm HOPING that YOU are PRAYING for me...


I could try doing this on my own - but without GOD's HAND it'd be UGLY!!! - Please pray!

> I'm giving thanks to GOD for the change that's already taking place in me - just from preparing...
> I'm giving thanks to YOU for checking in on me! спасибо; благодарю вас


Painting Above by Bryan ILLSLEY (b.1937)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Psyched-Up for MOSCOW



Chris Nall is RUSSIA-bound!

No pics to post yet - just getting the BLOG up & running to start.

Flying over next Saturday (the 26th) into Moscow. Once there (it'll be Sunday by then) we're planning to de-lag by staying awake - seeing 'sights' in the big city 'til Russian bedtime. Then we're traveling out a ways. I'll try to post somehow when I'm in the city 'cuz I won't necessarily have a way to post very often once I'm at the church and the youth camp. I'll send out pics & comments as I can.

Keep checking back at my blog. Вы рок-мой мир...

THANKS to all who are praying for me!

Please continue to pray. I want to be useful on my trip.
I'm preparing as well as I can for leading the music team - but still don't know what-all I will need to do. Pray that I'll be used by God - that's all that matters.
Honestly, I'm assuming Plan A is really "flexible suggestion A". Plan B, C or D, plan E, plan F...plan X would be fine - as long as it's God's plan. Keeping a "whatever" attitude has served me well I'm going with that. I'm planning hard - then holding the plan loosely (...NOT AT ALL like I'll be holding my passport...).
I'm real grateful/glad I'm riding along with cool folks who've been there before. I'll lead when they ask me to - but I'm relieved I don't have to play that leader role much as we're traveling.
The whole team I'm traveling with is full of leaders with different superpowers.
I just have to be 'music guy' (the one thing I know) and hit my marks when the others tell me to. I like that.

When you pray, pray for the whole team! OK?

Gonna go DO stuff...
Thanks for checkin in on me.

I don't know much Russian (the language)...gonna try a crash listening-course this weekend.

More to come...(I'll keep you in the loop)


p.s. "Кристофер Nall - в России" from above translates simply "Christopher Nall - in Russia"